Lumbar Spondylosis (Low Back Pain) – Kateegraha
Lumbar spondylosis is the degenerative arthritis or osteo arthritis of the Spine (vertebral column) in the lumbar region. Mainly characterised by pain and restricted movement of the affected area. Ayurveda treatments are the best to reduce pain, restore the movements and to prevent further degeneration of Lumbar spondylosis.
Cervical Spondylosis (Neck pain)- Greeva graham/ Apabahukam
Cervical spondylosis is the degeneration of the vertebral bodies of the spine in cervical spine. It causes neck pain and stiffness of the neck and shoulder area. Severe degeneration will cause neurological symptoms including giddiness, numbness & pain radiating to arms. Ayurveda offers good treatment for cervical spondylosis by Panchakarma.

Lumbar Disc Prolapse
Lumbar disc prolapse is the slipping out of the disc material situated between the lumbar vertebral bodies of the spine causing severe pain and restricted spine movements. This is caused by increased pressure on the disc due to trauma, overweight or with degeneration. In severe cases the disc material may totally come out of the inter vertebral disc space and compress the nerve roots causing pain and neurological symptoms. Ayurveda treatments offers best cure for the prolapsed lumbar disc.
Sciatica – Grudhrasi
Sciatica is a neurological condition including pain and numbness of the lower limb originating from the lumbar region radiating through the course of the sciatic nerve to the toe. This is caused by the irritation caused on the sciatic nerve due to the compression at the lumbar nerve root or by the preforms muscle.
Calcaneal Spur (Vata kantakam)
Calcaneal spur is a degenerative osteophytic change that occurs on the calcaneus or heel bone, when exposed to excess stress and strain. It is characterised by painful heels. Panchakarma is the best treatment for calcaneal spur.
Ligament and tendon injuries/Sports injuries
Injuries happening to the soft tissue are very common and long lasting. The damage to the ligaments & tendons include tear or rupture which may be partial or complete. These conditions are well corrected by Ayurveda treatments including Panchakarma & Bandhanas(bandages).